Reservoir & Hillsdale Irrigation Projects
For a number of years, Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) has awarded grant money to water districts. The money comes from the net revenues generated by the Middle Fork American River Hydroelectric Project (MFP). Midway Heights has been the recipient of a number of these grants over the years. At their May 20, 2021 Board meeting, PCWA approved two grant requests submitted by MHCWD, that totaled $414,819. These grants required that the District provide 20% matching funds of $103,705. The District approved the matching funds at the June 17, 2021 MHCWD Board meeting, resulting in a combined total of $518,524. One grant funds work at the District reservoir. Sediment will be removed, along with other operational improvements, to restore 700,000 gallons to the reservoir’s storage capacity. The second grant funds the replacement of the Hillsdale Irrigation Main, a 60-year-old pipe that has continually failed due to age and soil conditions. To increase flow capacity, the replacement pipe will be increased in diameter for additional flow capacity. In addition, a fire hydrant will be added.
Reservoir Improvements Project
Project Description:
The Project consists of the removal of approximately 250 yards of sediment at the water inlet area of the reservoir, modifications to the outlet structure and installation of a new stop gate valve on the outlet structure, the installation of a new floating dock for access to the new outlet stop gate valve, modifications to the reservoir bypass line with installation of two new butterfly valves, and the possibility of the placement of bentonite clay on the reservoir floor in the area of sediment removal.
Project Status: completed

Hillsdale Irrigation Line Replacement
Project Description:
The existing 6-inch ACP will be replaced with 8-inch PVC pipe. The project will add a fire hydrant on Hillsdale Road in an area that is currently unserved with fire flow. All valves and appurtenances will be replaced and the trenching on paved roadways will be repaired with asphalt cement paving.
Project Status: Completed